Residential Shingle Roof

Residential Shingle Roof Installation

At Your Professional Roofer, every job is overseen by your personal project manager. His duties include ensuring all work is properly done, besides being the liaison between you and the roofing crew. If a shortage of materials happens or there’s something additional the crew may need, our project manager handles it. This allows our crew to continue working instead of running all over town, trying to find supplies while the roof on your home is open to the elements.

We only use the very best shingles on the market from GAF and Owens Corning, while utilizing the very best roofers we can find. Everyone at Your Professional Roofer is:

  • Background-checked
  • Drug-tested
  • Certified in steep-slope applications

Why Choose Shingles?

There are many different types of shingles offered to homeowners today. We like to look at it as a good, better, best scenario, starting at three-tab shingles with a 25-year warranty, all the way up to architectural and designer shingles offering 50+ years of protection.

A good shingle roof installer can go a long way; every roof Your Professional Roofer installs is done per manufacturer specifications. This is the right way to do it. If roofs aren’t installed according to the warranty, they won’t hold up if you have issues in the future.

Another reason shingle roofs last long periods of time is due to correct ventilation. Shingle roofs must breathe properly to fulfill their full life expectancy. Otherwise, the shingles overheat from the inside out, losing their granules prematurely and exposing the matting to ultraviolet (UV) sunlight and the elements.

Why Hire Your Professional Roofer?

At Your Professional Roofer, we have many years of experience and training in the construction business – hands-on, not just a theory. We’re not a marketing company interested in volume; each one of our roofs is unique to the homeowner. Our experienced staff has handled countless roof projects and insurance claims, and can help you properly handle the insurance process.

All work and material is guaranteed to be best quality. We know which manufacturers may be having issues with their products and steer clients away from inferior roofing materials.

Contact Us Today for a Free Estimate

At Your Professional Roofer, all roof replacement and repair estimates and roof inspections are 100% FREE. We can and will work around your schedule, and that’s why our hours say open 24 hours a day. This company is built around our customers’ needs! Call (636) 866 5660 now for a free estimate, or you can fill out our online form.